5. Background

The METdbLoad module provides support for inserting MET output data into the database.

Before using the METdbLoad module, the database must exist and have the proper permissions (i.e. grant privileges to insert, delete, update, and index). A schema file, mv_mysql.sql is available in the METdataio/METdbLoad/sql/ directory for importing into the database.

The METdbLoad script met_db_load.py performs the loading of data based on settings in an XML specification file.

In the METdataio/METdbLoad/sql/scripts directory, there are two configuration files:

  • db_load_specification.xml

  • data_loading_config.yaml

The db_load_specification.xml is a template XML specification file, and data_loading_config.yaml is a template YAML configuration file. The data_loading_config.yaml file contains information about the database (username, password, database name, etc.). This information is used by the generate_xml_spec.py script to generate the XML specification file which is then used to load data into the database.

5.1. Generate the XML Specification File

Copy the data_loading_config.yaml file to a secure location in your workspace, as this file will contain the username and password to the database. Do not put this file where it can be read by anyone who should not have access to this information.

cp data_loading_config.yaml /path-to-your-dir/

Replace the path-to-your-dir with the actual path to where this file is to be saved.

Change directory to the location where the data_loading_config.yaml file was copied.

Open the data_loading_config.yaml file:

# Configuration file used to load MET ASCII data into
# a database.

dbname: dummy_dbname
username: dbuser
password: dbpassword
host: localhost
port: 1234

# Location (full path and schema file) to the sql schema. Replace with the location
schema_location: /full-path-to/mv_mysql.sql

# Name and location of the XML specification file
xml_specification: /full-path-to/db_load_specification.xml

# Databases are grouped, select an existing group.
group: Testing
description: My test database

# Directory (full path) to where the MET data resides.
data_dir: /path-to-met-data

# Set the appropriate setting to True to indicate what type of data is
# being loaded.
load_stat: True
load_mode: False
load_mtd: False
load_mpr: False
load_orank: False

Update the database information with information relevant to the database you are using:

  • dbname

  • username

  • password

  • host

  • port

Update the path to the schema location, provide the full path to the mv_sql_mysql.sql schema file:

  • schema_location

Provide the name and full path to the db_load_specification.xml template file, this will be updated with the settings in this YAML configuration to create a new XML specification file using these settings:

  • xml_specification

Provide the group and description. The databases in METviewer are grouped, provide the name of the appropriate group and a brief description of the database in which the data is to be loaded:

  • group

  • description

Provide the full path to the directory where the MET data to be loaded is saved:

  • data_dir

Indicate which data types are to be loaded by setting the appropriate settings to True:

  • load_stat

  • load_mode

  • load_mtd

  • load_mpr

  • load_orank

Generate the new XML specification file by running the following:

cd path-to-METdataio-source/METdataio/METdbLoad/sql/scripts

*Replace path-to-METdataio-source to the location where the METdataio source code is saved.

python generate_xml_spec.py path-to/data_loading_config.yaml

*Replace the path-to with the path to the directory you created to store the copy of the data_loading_config.yaml
file as specified earlier.

A new XML specification file load_met.xml, will be generated and saved in the same directory where the YAML configuration file was copied.

5.2. Load Data

Now the MET data can be loaded in the database using the met_db_load.py script in the path-to-METdataio-source/METdbLoad/ush directory. The path-to-METdataio-source is the directory where the METdataio source code is saved.

cd /path-to-METdataio-source/METdataio/METdbLoad/ush

* Replace path-to-METdataio-source to the location where the METdataio source code is saved.

python met_db_load.py /path-to/load_met.xml

* Replace the path-to with the location where the load_met.xml file was saved.  This is the same directory
  you created to save the copy of the data_loading_config.yaml file.

The usage statement:

INFO:root:--- *** --- Start METdbLoad --- *** ---

usage: met_db_load.py [-h] [-index] xmlfile [tmpdir [tmpdir ...]]

positional arguments:
  xmlfile     Please provide required xml load_spec filename
  tmpdir      Optional - when different directory wanted for tmp file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -index      Only process index, do not load data

The xmlfile is the XML specification file that passes information about the MET output files to load into the database to METdbload. It is an XML file whose top-level tag is <load_spec> and it contains the following elements, divided into functional sections:

  • <connection>: Please reference the Section 4 documentation.

  • <date_list>: Please reference the Section 4 documentation.

  • <load_stat>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load STAT data.

  • <load_mode>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load MODE data.

  • <load_mtd>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load MODE TD data.

  • <load_mpr>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load matched pair data.

  • <load_orank>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load observed rank data.

  • <force_dup_file>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to force load paths/files that are already present.

  • <verbose>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates the desired volume of output from the load module, with TRUE resulting in more information and FALSE resulting in less information.

  • <insert_size>: An integer indicating the number of MET output file rows that are inserted with each INSERT statement. This value is most often 1.

  • <stat_header_db_check>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether a database query check for stat header information should be performed - WARNING: enabling this feature could significantly increase load time.

    NOTE: <stat_header_table_check> has been removed; remove it from the XML load specification document.

  • <mode_header_db_check>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether a database query check for MODE header information should be performed - WARNING: enabling this feature could significantly increase load time.

  • <mtd_header_db_check>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether a database query check for MODE TD header information should be performed - WARNING: enabling this feature could significantly increase load time.

  • <drop_indexes>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether database indexes should be dropped prior to loading new data.

  • <load_indexes>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether database indexes should be created after loading new data.

  • <group>: The name of the group for the user interface.

  • <description>: A short description of the database.

    • <load_files>: A list structure containing individual MET output files to load into the database.

    • </load_files>: Follows the list of files after the previous tag, to end the list.

    • <file>: Contains a single MET output file to load.

  • <folder_tmpl>: A template string describing the file structure of the input MET files, which is populated with values specified in the <load_val> tag structure.

    • <load_val>: A tree structure containing values used to populate the <folder_tmpl> template.

      • <field>: A template value, its name is specified by the attribute name, and its values are specified by its children <val> tags.

        • <val>: A single template value which will slot into the template in the value specified by the parent field’s name.

        • <date_list>: Specifies a previously declared <date_list> element, using the name attribute, which represents a list of dates in a particular format.

      • <line_type>: A list structure containing the MET output file line types to load. If omitted, all line types are loaded.

        • <val>: Contains a single MET output file line type to be loaded, for example, CNT.

    • <load_note>: If present, creates a record in the instance_info database database table with a note containing the body of this tag

    • <load_xml>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to save the load xml; only effective if <load_note> is present - default: TRUE

Note If <folder_tmpl> is used, at least one <load_val> entry should be present. For example, if the path is:


change it to

   <field name="type">

5.2.1. Additional Loading Options

The load_met.xml specification file created above loads the entire dataset specified in the data_dir setting in the YAML config file, data_loading_config.yaml.

A subset of the data can be selected by date and field names (i.e. by model, valid_time, vx_mask, etc.). The load_met.xml specification file can be further modified to accomplish this by adding the date_list and field_name elements to the XML specification file.

Here is a simple example:


  <date_list name="folder_dates">

  <group>Group name</group>

    <field name="model">

    <field name="valid_time">
      <date_list name="folder_dates"/>

    <field name="vx_mask">

In this example, the load module would attempt to load any files with the suffix .stat in the following folders.


5.2.2. Troubleshooting


ERROR: Caught class com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry ‘CT07-NMM-LIN-R2-0-2005-07-15 12:00:00-2005-07-15 12:00:00-0-2005’ for key 2


This error is caused by trying to insert a stat_header record into the database when an identical one already exists. If identical stat_header information is present in more than one stat file, set the <stat_header_db_check> value to true. This setting will reduce performance, because the stat_header table is checked for duplicate stat_header each time a row is inserted. However, if a stat_header row already exists in the table with the insert information, then the existing record will be used instead of trying to insert a duplicate.


ERROR:root: (1049, “Unknown database ‘mv_test’”) in run_sql Error when connecting to database


This error is caused when attempting to load data into a database that does not exist. You will need to create the database, set up the appropriate privileges as outlined above, and load the schema using the mv_mysql.sql file.