METdataio version 3.0.0

Developed by the Developmental Testbed Center, Boulder, CO


In Memoriam

This coordinated release is dedicated to three remarkable team members we lost in 2024, whose contributions have left an indelible mark on our work.

To Tara Jensen, for her vision and leadership in creating METplus as well as her dedication, dogged determination, and mentorship that shaped its growth and trajectory, leaving a legacy of innovation in the field of verification.

To Randy Bullock, whose verification libraries formed the basis of MET and whose mathematical brilliance, passion for maps, grid projections, and graphics enriched and inspired new capabilities.

To Venita Hagerty, for her pivotal expertise, support, and attention to detail that ensured the success of METdataio and METexpress.

Their contributions to METplus continue to guide and inspire us each day.


The Model Evaluation Tools (MET) were developed by the Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) and released in January 2008. The goal of the tools was to provide the community with a platform-independent and extensible framework for reproducible verification. The DTC partners, including NCAR, NOAA, and the USAF, decided to start by replicating the NOAA EMC (see list of acronyms below) Mesoscale Branch verification package, called VSDB. In the first release, MET included several pre-processing, statistical, and analysis tools to provide the same primary functionality as the EMC VSDB system, and also included a spatial verification package called MODE.

Over the years, MET and VSDB packages grew in complexity. Verification capability at other NOAA laboratories, such as ESRL, were also under heavy development. An effort to unify verification capability was first started under the HIWPP project and led by NOAA ESRL. In 2015, the NGGPS Program Office started working groups to focus on several aspects of the next gen system, including the Verification and Validation Working Group. This group made the recommendation to use MET as the foundation for a unified verification capability. In 2016, NCAR and GSD leads visited EMC to gather requirements. At that time, the concept of METplus was developed as it extends beyond the original code base. It was originally MET+ but several constraints have driven the transition to the use of METplus. METplus is now the unified verification, validation, and diagnostics capability for NOAA’s UFS and a component of NCAR’s SIMA modeling frameworks. It is being actively developed by NCAR, ESRL, EMC and is open to community contributions.

METplus Concept

METplus is the overarching, or umbrella, repository and hence framework for the Unified Forecast System verification capability. It is intended to be extensible through adding additional capability developed by the community. The core components of the framework include MET, the associated database and display systems called METviewer and METexpress, and a suite of Python wrappers to provide low-level automation and examples, also called use-cases. A description of each tool along with some ancillary repositories are as follows:

  • MET - core statistical tool that matches up grids with either gridded analyses or point observations and applies configurable methods to compute statistics and diagnostics

  • METviewer - core database and display system intended for deep analysis of MET output

  • METexpress - core database and display system intended for quick analysis via pre-defined queries of MET output

  • METplus wrappers - suite of Python-based wrappers that provide low-level automation of MET tools and newly developed plotting capability

  • METplus use-cases - configuration files and sample data to show how to invoke METplus wrappers to make using MET tools easier and reproducible

  • METcalcpy - suite of Python-based scripts to be used by other components of METplus tools for statistical aggregation, event equalization, and other analysis needs

  • METplotpy - suite of Python-based scripts to plot MET output, and in come cases provide additional post-processing of output prior to plotting

  • METdataio - Data ingest and export to store and retrieve MET output to be used by other MET tools including METviewer and METexpress

The umbrella repository will be brought together by using a software package called manage_externals developed by the Community Earth System Modeling (CESM) team, hosted at NCAR and NOAA Earth System’s Research Laboratory. The manage_externals paackage was developed because CESM is comprised of a number of different components that are developed and managed independently. Each component also may have additional “external” dependencies that need to be maintained independently.


  • MET - Model Evaluation Tools

  • DTC - Developmental Testbed Center

  • NCAR - National Center for Atmospheric Research

  • NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

  • EMC - Environmental Modeling Center

  • VSDB - Verification Statistics Data Base

  • MODE - Method for Object-Based Diagnostic Evaluation

  • UFS - Unified Forecast System

  • SIMA -System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere

  • ESRL - Earth Systems Research Laboratory

  • HIWPP - High Impact Weather Predication Project

  • NGGPS - Next Generation Global Predicatio System

  • GSD - Global Systems Division


Many authors, listed below, have contributed to the documentation of METplus. To cite this documentation in publications, please refer to the METdataio User’s Guide Citation Instructions.

  • Venita Hagerty 2

  • Minna Win-Gildenmeister 1

  • Tatiana Burek 1

  • Hank Fisher 1



National Center for Atmospheric Research, Research Applications Laboratory, Developmental Testbed Center


Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Earth System Research Laboratory
