2. METdataio Release Information

When applicable, release notes are followed by the GitHub issue number which describes the bugfix, enhancement, or new feature: METdataio GitHub issues.

2.1. METdataio Release Notes

2.1.1. METdataio Version 3.0.0 Release Notes (20241217)

New Functionality


  • Generate User’s Documentation for XML specification file (#337)

  • Improve error messages for when multiple files are not loaded (#35)

  • Improve logging for 5 STIGS (METplus-Internal#45)

  • Improve error handling and testing (METplus-Internal#50)

  • Validation against recursive payloads, oversized payloads and overlong element names (METplus-Internal#56)

  • Add the user ID to the log output at beginning and end of each logging session (#202)

  • Update database to load 7 new MODE CTS statistics (#226)

  • Enhance METdataio schema to handle new/modified MPR and ORANK columns introduced for MET-12.0.0-beta6 (#320)

  • Update the MPR reformatting in METreformat due to added columns in MET-12.0.0-beta6 (#321)

  • Modify the column names for the existing SEEPS line type in the database schema (#335)

  • Enhance METdataio schema to load the TOTAL_DIR column added to the VL1L2, VAL1L2, and VCNT line types during the MET 12.0.0 beta5 develpment cycle (#307)

  • Add support for reformatting the MPR linetype (#255)

  • Support reformatting the TCDIAG line type written by the TC-Pairs tool (#240)

  • Modify Requirements section of the User’s Guide (#273)

  • Enhance METdataio schema to handle changes to the ECNT, VL1L2, VAL1L2, and VCNT line types during the MET 12.0.0 beta4 development cycles (#282)

  • RRFS METreformat: Implement Tier 1 Linetypes for RRFS UFS R2O command line support (#234)

  • Provide instructions for updating the database schema corresponding to any MET updates (#245)

  • Make Headers consistent across all repos (#238)

  • Consider using only .yml or only .yaml extensions (#272)

  • Create additional tests to METdataio to increase code coverage (#318)

  • Skip SonarQube scan for PR from fork and allow compare_db workflow from fork (PR #327)

  • Update GitHub issue and pull request templates to reflect the current development workflow details (#231)

  • Consider using only .yml or only .yaml extensions (#272)

  • METdataio: Code coverage statistics (#53)

  • Add GitHub action to run SonarQube for METdataio pull requests and feature branches (#289)

  • Update GitHub actions workflows to switch from node 16 to node 20 (#264)

  • Bugfix: Schema file missing on install (PR #341)

  • Remove existing output and update documentation reflecting change (#232)

  • METreadnc does not support reading netCDF data that only has level and latitude (rather than longitude and latitude and level) (#247)

  • Create an update schema script to add columns to line_data_tcmpr table (#251)

  • TC Pairs files not loading into database (#256)

  • Refactor the ECNT reformatter to accomodate the METcalcpy input data format requirements (#267)

  • Password field in loading XML files can be empty (#221)

  • METdataio isn’t correctly placing the database in the correct METviewer group (#228)

  • METreformat address PerformanceWarning (#219)

2.2. METdataio Upgrade Instructions

2.2.1. Database schema

The following changes were made in MET version 12.0.0 for the following linetypes:

  • for the MPR linetype:

    • the renaming of the climo_mean column to obs_climo_mean

    • the renaming of the climo_stdev column to obs_climo_stdev

    • the renaming of the climo_cdf column to obs_climo_cdf

    • the addition of the fcst_climo_mean column

    • the addition of the fcst_climo_stdev column

  • for the ORANK linetype:

    • the renaming of the climo_mean column to obs_climo_mean

    • the renaming of the climo_stdev column to obs_climo_stdev

    • the addition of the fcst_climo_mean column

    • the addition of the fcst_climo_stdev column

  • for the SEEPS linetype:

    • the renaming of the s12 column fo odfl

    • the renaming of the s13 column to odfh

    • the renaming of the s21 column to olfd

    • the renaming of the s23 column to olfh

    • the renaming of the s31 column to ohfd

    • the renaming of the s32 column to ohfl

The ALTER TABLE mysql/mariadb commands are available in the METdataio/METdbLoad/sql/updates/update_for_6_0_beta6.sql file.

Changes were made to MET version 12.0.0 for following linetypes (addition of the TOTAL_DIR column):

  • VL1L2

  • VAL1L2

  • VCNT

The ALTER TABLE mysql/mariadb commands are available in the METdataio/METdbLoad/sql/updates/update_for_6_0_beta5.sql file.